How to Keep Industrial Cooling Towers Clean?

Author:coolingtowerinfill 2020-04-11 10:33:56 313 0 0

We are one of cooling tower fill manufacturers.

Here is a quick check to keep your tower clean free from any type of bacteria –

1. You should opt for chemical biocides to control growth of microorganisms.

2. You should maintain proper temperature inside cooling tower.

3. Also this is necessary to inspect cooling towers on regular time intervals.

4. Experts’ advice to check equipment thrice a year.

5. If bacteria level is high then cooling towers generally require more cleaning.

6. You are advised to use high quality raw materials to construct equipment that seems best at different quality levels.

7. This is also necessary to clean residue material left behind after construction.

8. The complete recommendation list for maintenance of industrial cooling tower can be taken from experts.

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