Choose your fill

Author:coolingtowerinfill 2020-07-23 14:21:33 302 0 0

There are two broad categories of fills: splash and film. Splash fills typically are used where water quality is poor and where fill fouling can occur. Splash fills work by breaking up the hot circulating water into small droplets that create an increased surface area, which allows for both convective and evaporative cooling. Typical splash fills have about half the thermal performance of film fills. The lower thermal performance is due to the splash fill’s inability to equal the surface area of film fills coupled with the higher pressure drop of splash fills.

Cooling Tower Fills

Cooling Tower Fills

The most commonly used Cooling Tower Fills are film fills. They form a thin layer of water over the fill surface and drive cooling performance by having a large surface area of water film in contact with the cooling tower air combined with lower pressure drop (air-side pressure drop). The KaV/L (a measure of the rate of evaporative and convective cooling reported as a nondimensional number) and pressure drop combine to create the relative thermal performance of the fill.

We are the film fills manufacture in China.If you have requirement of film fills,welcome to contact us:

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