Flavor and Fragrance Stability Issues

Author:globalcinnamate 2020-07-02 17:32:43 608 0 0

The stability of Flavors And Fragrances is mainly manifested in two aspects: First, their aroma or aroma and stability, that is to say, whether their aroma or aroma are basically the same under a certain period and condition, is still obvious the change. The second is whether their physical and chemical properties in the medium (or matrix) remain stable, especially whether there will be quality changes after storage for a certain period of time or when exposed to heat, light, or contact with the air, or there is basically no difference . These two kinds of stability thank you are interconnected or cause and effect. The following Spice Intermediates supplier introduce the stability of flavors and fragrances.

Fragrance stability can be examined separately for synthetic and isolated fragrances and natural flavors. Synthetic and isolated fragrances. Because they are "single bodies", when they exist alone, if they are not affected by light, heat, humidity, air oxidation or stored for a long time, they are not contaminated. Most of their aromas are more consistent. Yes, so it is relatively stable. And natural flavors, because they are a mixture of multi-ingredients, the content of these ingredients varies, the chemical properties of the materials are different, and the evaporation rate is different, so their aroma stability is relatively poor. The aroma of some varieties is more obvious before and after. For example, some natural oil-based natural fragrances contain more terpene components that are easier to aggregate or change, which will cause obvious changes in aroma. Synthetic and isolated fragrances and natural fragrances, their chemical composition and structural characteristics, functional group activity and physical properties, etc., are important factors related to their adaptability or compatibility in the base fragrance medium, such as a medium due to the addition of certain Cinnamon Additives, the fragrance medium is turbid, or precipitates, or the emulsion is damaged, or discolored, or colored, or the performance of the application is changed, or the quality of the inner wall of the packaging container is changed. Fragrance media are not stable in neutralizing such packaging materials.

Cinnamon Additives

Cinnamon Additives

Fragrance stability issues are similar to nature to some extent. We know that flavors are composed of synthetic and isolated perfumes, natural perfumes, and fixatives in varying amounts. Sometimes, depending on the needs of the application, they also contain a certain amount of solvent and carrier. Each of these components has their physical and chemical properties, and when mixed, they produce complex changes. These changes are related to the stability of the flavor. As far as the flavor itself is concerned, if the evaporation rate of the entire volatilization process is relatively balanced, in other words, during the volatilization process of the flavor and fragrance for a relatively long time (external factors must be relatively stable), when its flavor change is small, or it can be said that The aroma is relatively constant and should be considered stable. But just meeting this requirement is not enough. It is also necessary to check whether its fragrance type can still be stable after being added to a medium and during use, and whether it is basically the same as the original fragrance type (that is, head fragrance, Whether the evolution of the base fragrance of the body fragrance is stable), whether its fragrance diffusion degree is still similar to that of the fragrance, whether it has been increased or decreased, whether its aroma persistence and fragrance setting effect have changed, whether it will cause the medium to be morphological , Color, or coloration, or the application performance of the medium, or the container material, and whether there is any change in the process of consumption and so on. If the above-mentioned defects occur, it is necessary to adjust the relevant components in the flavor to meet the requirements.

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