What is CAS 5337-93-9 4-Methylpropiophenone?

Author:haitpharm 2024-11-07 15:22:50 32 0 0

Understanding 4-Methylpropiophenone: A Brief Guide

4-Methylpropiophenone, also known as 4-methylpropiophenone (CAS number 5337–93–9), is a chemical compound used widely in pharmaceuticals and chemical research. This compound plays a crucial role as an intermediate in the synthesis of various drugs and aromatic compounds.


In the pharmaceutical industry, 4-Methylpropiophenone is a vital intermediate in drug synthesis. It is also used in the fragrance industry to create aromatic compounds. In chemical research, it serves as a reagent in numerous reactions.

Buying Guide

When purchasing 4-Methylpropiophenone, ensure you choose a reputable supplier. Look for suppliers with proper certification and quality assurance. Searching for “4-Methylpropiophenone buy” or “4-methylpropiophenone buy” online can help you find reliable sources.

In summary, 4-Methylpropiophenone is essential in various industries. Understanding its uses and selecting a reliable supplier ensures you get a quality product.


2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone: properties, applications and safety 

2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone is an organic compound with a phenyl ring attached to a propiophenone group, substituted by a bromine atom at the 2-position and a methyl group at the 4-position. It is a versatile and reactive compound used as a key intermediate in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and fine chemicals. This compound possesses potential biological activities such as antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, it requires proper handling and safety precautions due to its potential hazards to health and safety. In pharmaceutical synthesis, it is utilized as a precursor in the production of analgesics, sedatives, and anticonvulsant drugs. Overall, 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone is a valuable compound with various applications in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.



2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone is a chemical compound with several distinct properties. Firstly, it is an organic compound that falls under the category of aromatic ketones. It consists of a phenyl ring attached to a propiophenone group, where a bromine atom is substituted at the 2-position and a methyl group is substituted at the 4-position. Physically, 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone appears as a white or off-white crystalline powder. It has a characteristic odor and a molecular weight of approximately 227.10 g/mol. It is sparingly soluble in water but exhibits good solubility in various organic solvents such as ethanol, acetone, and chloroform. Chemically, this compound is known for its reactivity and versatility. It acts as an important intermediate in the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and fine chemicals. It serves as a key building block in the production of different compounds through functional group transformations and further derivatization reactions. Moreover, 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone possesses certain pharmacological properties. It exhibits potential biological activities, including antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects. These properties make it a valuable compound in pharmaceutical research and drug discovery. Overall, 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone is a chemically active compound with various applications in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Its distinct properties make it an essential component in the synthesis of diverse compounds for numerous purposes. 1


2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone, also known as bromo-methylpropiophenone, is a chemical compound widely used in pharmaceutical synthesis. This compound plays a crucial role in the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals due to its versatile reactivity. One of its major applications is as a precursor in the preparation of analgesics and sedatives. For example, it can be utilized as an intermediate in the synthesis of benzodiazepines, a class of drugs commonly used for their anxiolytic, hypnotic, and muscle relaxant properties. Furthermore, 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone is employed in the production of anticonvulsant drugs, which are used to treat conditions such as epilepsy. It serves as a key building block in the synthesis of these medications, allowing for the introduction of necessary functional groups and ensuring the desired pharmacological activity. In summary, 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone is a valuable compound in pharmaceutical synthesis. Its inclusion in the production of analgesics, sedatives, and anticonvulsant drugs showcases its significance in the development of medications that alleviate pain, promote relaxation, and combat seizure disorders. 2


2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone is a chemical compound that requires proper handling and safety precautions due to its potential hazards. It is important to wear personal protective equipment, including face protection, when handling this compound. Adequate ventilation should also be ensured to prevent inhalation of the substance. To avoid skin irritation and injury, it is important not to get 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. If contact does occur, affected areas should be flushed with water for at least 15 minutes and medical attention sought if necessary. Ingestion and inhalation of this substance should be avoided, as they can result in serious health effects such as respiratory irritation, pulmonary edema, and even death in extreme cases. Dust formation should also be avoided as it can lead to inhalation of the substance and subsequent health risks. In conclusion, it is crucial to follow appropriate safety measures when handling 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone to avoid potential hazards to health and safety. Proper personal protective equipment, adequate ventilation, and avoiding skin and eye contact, ingestion, inhalation, and dust formation are all essential steps in ensuring safe handling of this chemical compound. 3


Synthetic cathinones drug profile


Synthetic cathinones are related to the parent compound cathinone (Figure 1), one of the psychoactive principals in khat (Catha edulis Forsk). Cathinone derivatives are the β-keto (βk) analogues of a corresponding phenethylamine. The group includes several substances that have been used as active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) of medicinal products, e.g. amfepramone (diethylpropion; Figure 2). Since the mid-2000s, unregulated ring-substituted cathinone derivatives have appeared in the European recreational drugs market. The most commonly available cathinones sold on the recreational market in the period up to 2010 appear to be mephedrone (Figure 3) and methylone (Figure 4). These products are usually encountered as highly pure white or brown powders. Ring-substituted cathinone derivatives are claimed to have effects similar to those of cocaine, amphetamine or MDMA (ecstasy), but little is known of their detailed pharmacology. Apart from cathinone (Figure 1), methcathinone (Figure 5) and two API’s amfepramone (Figure 2) and pyrovalerone, cathinone derivatives are not under international control.


Physical form

Synthetic cathinones are mostly encountered as white or brown amorphous or crystalline powders, occasionally encapsulated. Unlike many phenethylamine derivatives (MDMA, etc.), tablets are less common but are sometimes available on the illicit market, presumably as a replacement for MDMA.

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As with phenethylamines, in the absence of ring-substitution, cathinones behave as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, although invariably with a lower potency than the corresponding phenethylamine analogue. The lower potency is caused by the β-keto group creating a more polar molecule less able to cross the blood–brain barrier. Studies on the metabolism of methcathinone derivatives in rats and humans have shown that they are N-demethylated, the keto group is reduced to hydroxyl, and ring alkyl groups are oxidised. Otherwise, few formal studies have been made on the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of ring-substituted cathinones. From observations of patients who presented with suspected mephedrone toxicity, it appears that cathinone derivatives show similar sympathomimetic effects to amphetamine derivatives. The first toxicologically confirmed fatal case directly linked to mephedrone use was recorded in Sweden in 2008.

User reports on Internet sites suggest that a typical dose of mephedrone is 100–250 mg. Depending on the particular substance, the effects are claimed to be similar to those of cocaine, amphetamine or MDMA. Like cocaine, the resulting ‘high’ of mephedrone is short-lived. Consequently, users may consume several doses in succession, up to 1 g in a session. This is supported by the finding that the most common ‘wrap size’ of mephedrone found in police seizures in the United Kingdom is close to 750 mg.

The pyrrolidine ring and the tertiary amino group in MDPV could lead to a more lipophilic, i.e. more potent, molecule; Internet user-forums suggest that the dose is as low as 5–10 mg. Furthermore, it should be noted that p-methoxyphenethylamines (e.g. PMA, PMMA) are known to have a particularly high toxicity, and this property might translate to their βk-analogues. For example, methedrone (p-methoxymethcathinone) has been detected in a few fatalities.

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Synthesis and precursors

Simple derivatives such as methcathinone and N,N-dimethylcathinone can be synthesised by oxidation of ephedrine (or pseudoephedrine) and N-methylephedrine (or N-methylpseudoephedrine) respectively. This requires reacting the precursor with a solution of potassium permanganate in dilute sulfuric acid. The precursors can be obtained as specific enantiomers, thereby ensuring that the synthesis is stereoselective. Cathinone itself can be made in a similar way, starting from phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine). One of the hazards of the permanganate process is that users can suffer manganese poisoning if the product is not purified.

The ring-substituted N-methylcathinone derivatives are best synthesised by reacting the suitably substituted bromopropiophenone with methylamine; the result is always racemic. In the case of methylone, for example, 2-bromo-3,4-methylenedioxy-propiophenone can be prepared by reacting 3,4-methylenedioxypropiophenone with bromine. These precursor substances are readily available and none of them is under international control. Other methods are required to produce the pyrrolidine derivatives, but apart from MDPV, substances such as PPP, MPHP, MOPPP and MDPPP, which briefly appeared in Germany in 2004 (see Table 1), have since been rarely observed.

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Mode of use

Some users insufflate (snort) mephedrone, but most of the cathinones are ingested. Since they are soluble in water, these substances can also be injected. Because of their lability, the free bases would probably not be suitable for smoking.

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Other names

To circumnavigate possible controls, suppliers of cathinone derivatives often market them under various brand names (e.g. Explosion, Blow, Recharge, etc.) as ‘plant food’, ‘bath salts’, or ‘research chemicals’, often with a printed warning that they are ‘not for human consumption’. As with the phenethylamines, acronyms are common. Thus MDPV stands for 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone, 4-FMC for 4-fluoromethcathinone (flephedrone), and 4-MMC for 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone). User names for mephedrone include M-Cat, meph, drone, miaow, meow meow, subcoca-1 and bubbles; while methylone is sometimes known as Top Cat. However, these substances are often sold in products that have a large number of brand names that change rapidly over time and where the specific content is often not given. The chemical names can lead to confusion; methylone, mephedrone and methedrone should be distinguished from each other and from the unrelated narcotic analgesic methadone. Although βk-MBDB is often described as ‘butylone’, butylone has also been used as a proprietary name for the unrelated barbiturate pentobarbital.

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Cathinone derivatives do not give a coloured reaction with the Marquis field test. Analysis using GCMS and Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is straightforward. Although pure reference samples of some derivatives may not be commercially available, analytical profiles for most have been published. Immunoassay field tests for methamphetamine give false positive reactions with some cathinone derivatives.

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Typical purities

Some powders containing mephedrone and related compounds have been adulterated with other drugs such as ketamine, cocaine, paracetamol or piperazine derivatives, but most appear to be highly pure as judged by IR spectroscopy.

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Control status

Cathinone and methcathinone are listed in Schedule I of the United Nations 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Amfepramone and pyrovalerone are in Schedule IV of that Convention, but other derivatives are not under international control. A few cathinone derivatives are controlled in some Member States under drug control or equivalent legislation, for example: mephedrone (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, France, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Sweden, Croatia and Norway); methylone (Denmark, Ireland, Romania and Sweden); butylone (Denmark, Ireland, Romania, Sweden and Norway); MDPV (Denmark, Ireland, Finland and Sweden); and flephedrone (Denmark, Ireland and Romania). Generic control in the United Kingdom covers a wide group of cathinone derivatives. Mephedrone is controlled under medicines legislation in Finland and the Netherlands and Finland. 

By Council Decision of 2 December 2010, 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone) was submitted to control measures in EU Member States (2010/759/EU).

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Medical use

Amfepramone and pyrovalerone have been used as anorectics, but are now largely obsolete. Bupropion has antidepressant properties and is used as an aid for those who wish to quit tobacco smoking.


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