Dough Divider Rounder QLDR-8

Author:queenlymach 2024-07-08 13:38:32 59 0 0

Dough Divider Rounders are essential tools for bakers, particularly those who make bread or pizza. These machines help to divide and round dough pieces quickly and uniformly, ensuring consistent results in the final product.  


The Dough Divider Rounder is designed to take a large pre-weighed portion of dough and divide it into smaller pieces with the exact same weight and round it to perfection. Dough divider rounders come in a variety of sizes and shapes for the production of a variety of products from rolls and buns to baguettes and pizza.


The dough is handled gently thanks to a star wheel dosing system and adjustment of the pressure in the portioning chambers. All this avoids stress on the dough due to the mechanical action of the machine, producing the required dough weight. The suitable liquid content of our dough is 50-65%, and running without vegetable oil. Oil is unnecessary for dividing process lubrication.


Designed to be long-lasting and easy to clean, our dough divider rounders save you time and money without sacrificing quality. Contact us to learn more and discover which dough divider/rounder is right for your bakery, cafe, restaurant, or another business.


Dough Divider Rounder Technical Parameters: 



Weight range

Production pcs/h

Overall size cm

Control system








The touch screen is optional, standard machine equipped with a button control panel





Conveyor belt

Hydraulic oil

Gear oil


food grade plastic

8 rows of plastic drum

food grade PU

Shell-TELLUS-S2MX 46

Shell-Omala-S2 G


Key Features & Benefits of Dough Divider Rounder


1. Consistency

One of the biggest benefits you will notice right away when using a dough divider rounder is its consistency. This is a big deal for bakers as they know consistency is what keeps customers happy and coming back for more. The type of consistency provided by a dough divider rounder simply cannot be duplicated with human hands.


2. Time & Labor Savings

Manually dividing and rounding your dough could be an extremely time-consuming task, and in the bakery world, time is money! A dough divider allows you to automate the dividing and rounding process saving you precious time that could be spent doing other important tasks around the bakery. Automating this process can lead to increased productivity without having to hire extra help.


3. Increased Production

With the automation of a dough divider rounder, even the smallest of bakeries can easily keep up with production and demand. This scalability is particularly beneficial for some bakeries experiencing growth demand or looking to possibly expand their product offerings.


4. Versatility in Dough Types

Dough divider rounder machines are capable of dividing a variety of doughs ranging from soft doughs to more dense doughs. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications and products.


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