Types Of Glass Bottles Tops

Author:jasglassbottle 2023-01-17 09:50:56 146 0 0

As a one-stop glass bottle supplier, the caps is the important part of Shandong Jasmine Package Co., LTD's major production. A good cap is not only can help spirit / wine / liquor beverage avoid losing its aroma, color, taste but also it can make brands stand out. Bottle caps are crafted with different materials and different spirit brands have rich creativity. Today we try to  clear the major kinds caps in international trading .


Types Of Glass Bottles Tops


Natural Corks


The most common is natural cork, all natural, without additives.

The reason natural stoppers are so popular is that they basically meet the requirements of a good wine stopper. The perfect elasticity fits seamlessly into the bottle mouth, and the wine does not leak. The numerous tiny holes allow the wine to breathe only slightly, making it an almost perfect stopper and, of course, the most expensive. But it's more likely to be contaminated by TCA bacteria, which makes it smell like wet cardboard.


Types Of Glass Bottles Tops

Synthetic Corks of wine

The inner foam and outside of synthetic Corks are made of  different materials.  Factories use polyethylene-based compounds to design the exterior parts of the cork. However, the inner part is made of materials resembling natural cork, including sugar cane.


Types Of Glass Bottles Tops

Screw caps


Screw-top corks have become the new favorite of more and more wineries. It solves the problem of TCA pollution of natural oak corks to a great extent, and it can be opened with a twist, and there is no problem at all without a corkscrew.

On the surface, it may seem that the wine cannot breathe with a screw cap, but it is not. In the past, the inner layer of Saran-tin was used for the screw cap, which was indeed airtight, and some wines also appeared in a reduced state, releasing the smell of rotten eggs. However, the breathable Saranex inner layer is now used, claiming that the breathability is no weaker than that of natural oak stoppers, and some experts even believe that screw caps are better. What is your opinion?


Types Of Glass Bottles Tops


Vinolok stopper


Vinolok's glass stopper is at the cutting edge of trends, combining practicality with elegance.


Types Of Glass Bottles Tops


Helix wine closures


Think of this Helix stopper as a cross between a cork and a screw cap - a screw cork. It's very convenient, and it opens with a twist. The seemingly wonderful design does not seem to solve any problems, and the risk of contamination of the cork still exists. The point is, this cork also needs to match a specially designed wine bottle. Although the creativity is full, it seems that there is still a long way to go to become a bottle stopper on its own.

All of these new corks seem to herald a trend—the demise of the corkscrew. Due to their short availability, their ageing ability needs to be further verified. However, the starting point is the hope that consumers can drink wine anytime, anywhere, without a corkscrew.


Types Of Glass Bottles Tops


Other Bottle Caps


Types Of Glass Bottles Tops


All capw we mentioned above have their advantages and disadvantages.The client will choose the matched one according to the their market to meet different needs.The natural cork starts from 17th century but it not mean other toppers are not worth it .How to choose a right cap  depends more on wine/spirit/liquor beverage itself.A company's budget is also important when choosing these wine bottle caps, as some are expensive and some are affordable. Winemakers should choose caps that match their production needs and enhance the consumer’s wine tasting experience. Let's expect more improvements from companies that make wine caps in the years to come. Having said that, no wine caps are more important as they all serve different needs.

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