Which Lasts Longer, Ceramic Or Metallic Brake Pads?

Author:tongdabrakes 2022-12-15 15:06:00 173 0 0

If you're here, you may want to know which type of brake pad offers the most value: ceramic or metallic. Which one lasts longer? Which one produces less noise and dust? You'll find your answer in this comparison guide.


The Longevity Of Your Brake Pads Depends On Several Factors


Ceramic Brake Pad


If you and your buddy get the exact same brake pads, one set may last longer than the other set. It's because no two sets of brake pads last exactly the same amount of time. Brake pad wear is hard to predict. The longevity of your brake pads depends on several factors, including:


ㆍThe type of rotors you're using. If the rotors are too hard for the brake pads, the pads can wear out faster.

ㆍYour driving style. If you brake hard and/or drive in stop and go traffic often, your pads will wear out faster.


What if you subject ceramic brake pads and metallic brake pads to the same driving style with compatible rotors, though? Ceramic pads will likely last longer.


Harder Brake Pad Formulations Last The Longest


Ceramic brake pads are the hardest and most durable brake pad material on the market. Next up are metallic and semi-metallic brake pads. Organic brake pads are the softest and least durable pad material on the market.


Brake Pads


So to answer your question: ceramic brake pads last longer than metallic brake pads. They also produce less noise and dust. That's why ceramic brake pads tend to cost more than metallic pads.


Quality Is Another Important Factor


Not all ceramic brake pads last longer than metallic brake pads. A set of high quality metallic brake pads can last longer than a set of low quality ceramic pads. If you want long-lasting pads, look for high quality ceramic brake pads.


At Tongda, we only carry high quality brake pads. All the ceramic brake pads we carry are as high quality as they come. Check out our selection of high quality ceramic and metallic brake pads here! Contact us now!

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