Author:fencing2022 2022-10-28 17:19:57 149 0 0

Chain Link Fence is a flexible woven wire fence in diamond opening offering excellent visual and aesthetic effects, widely used for farming fencing, airport, power plants, highways, playground and residential perimeter fencing.

Chain link mesh is popularly made of wire gauges from 14 gauge (light type fence), 12 gauge (heavy type fence) to 10 gauge (very heavy fences), according to international standards.

Chain link fence mesh is a durable, secure and low-cost fencing material, commonly made of galvanized steel wire, also available with a colored vinyl coating.

Using chain link fence for farm fencing has several benefits:

Unobstructed view through the fence;
Difficult to climb;
Smooth and safe for animals;
Strong and durable in uses;
Easy and quick installation and low maintenance cost.

Finishes: Aluminum, galvanised or PVC-coated.
Mesh openings: 1/2", 3/4", 4/5", 1", 2"
Posts: Y post, T post
Hot galvanized, green painted or black painted

Products Details

Anticlimbing Galvanized Chain Link Mesh Fence

High Security Chain Link Fence

Chain link mesh fence with gates for substation fencing, 9 Gauge

Chain link fence with barbed tape tops for substation security fencing
Fabric for panels and gates: 1" mesh 9 gauge galvanised chainlink mesh

Anti climb fencing tops:

Barbed wire attached to extension arm,
24"ø barbed tape fixed between barbed wire

Galv steel post with cap
Corner, end & brace posts are galvanized steel posts

Fencing parts for installation:
Top rail and intermediate rail
Brace gate, corner and end posts
Diagonal truss rod and truss tightener.
Bottom tension wires installed within 8-inches of the respective fabric line.
Post caps to accommodate top rail.
Tie wires same gauge as fencing fabric wire.
Gates furnished with provisions for padlocking.
A"high voltage" warning signs on each accessible side of fence exterior.

Barbed wire attached to the extension arm

Gate Frame,Fabric, Anti Climb Top, Post and Latch

Welded wire fence design instead of the chain link fence can be provided for high security fencing.

Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence - Mobile Portable Fence Panels
Chain link mesh vinyl coated portable fence for basket ball court

10' high black vinyl coated chain link fence, diamond opening 2"x2" x wire diameter 2.76mm, portable fence for basket ball court, installed with one corner post and two end posts, Posts black vinyl coated steel for quick and easy installation.

Chain Link Galvanized Wire Mesh

Mesh 2”x2”
Opening shape: Diamond / rhomb
Wire Gauge 10 swg.
GI Wire with chain link mesh

10 gauge 2” mesh chain link galvanized wire mesh
Chain link cyclone wire mesh, gauge #10, zinc coated class 2, 8 ft high

Fencing and Gates System
Fencing materials in galvanized steel complying with the requirements of the latest edition of the British Standards:

  • Tensile strength in accordance with B.S. 1052

  • Elongation not less than 12% on a sample 30 cm long, before fabrication of netting

  • Galvanization to be made in accordance with B.S. 443

  • Zinc coatings smooth and continuous, adhere tenaciously to the base metal and free from blisters bare sposts, projections or other defects not consistent with good galvanizing practice.

Chain Link Fabric
Chain link fabric made of galvanized steel wire mesh type 50x50 mm
Fence height: 2.00 m
Fence length of each roll: 25.00 m
Wire diameter: 3.00 mm.
Edge style: Chain link mesh closed at one edge by knuckling and at the other edge by twisting to form a barb.
Tying Wire
Tying wire for fastening the fabric 2.2 mm diameter galvanized steel conforming to the requirements for fence fabric.
Tension Wires
The bottom and top tension wire 3.4 mm diameter galvanized steel wire.
Barbed Wires
2.5 mm wire diameter barb wire coils
60 mm external diameter galvanized steel pipe with the thickness
Gates are supplied completely assembled.
Constructed with  galvanized steel pipe frames and crimped galvanized steel wire square mesh 30 x 30 mm, 3.0 mm diameter.
All joints electrically welded and hot-dip galvanized after welding for protection.
The fabric and other components used on gates subject to the same fence quality requirements.
Supplied with galvanized malleable iron hinges, latch and latch catch, gates are capable of opening approximately 180 degrees. Gates have the centre rest with drop bolt for the closed position. Gate latches suitable for the use of padlocks attached and operated from either side of the gate.
Fittings and Hardware
All required fittings and hardware are of suitable aluminium alloy or of steel or malleable or ductile cast iron, galvanized in accordance with BS 443.
Fittings and hardware designed so as to fit or fasten to the posts in the proper manner without bending or distortion and free from defects, and of adequate strength.

Construction of Chain Link Fence and Gates
Prior to the erection of the chain link fence, ensure that debris is removed and minor ground undulations are corrected to obtain a smooth uniform gradient. The space between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the fabric shall not exceed 50 mm.
Posts Installation
In determining the post spacing, measurement will be made parallel to the slope of the ground. All posts shall be placed in a vertical position and set accurately to line and position as established by the Engineer.
Post shall be installed at equal intervals as directed by the Engineer.
Changes in line horizontally where the angle or deflection is 20 degrees or more shall be considered as corners and corner posts shall be installed.
Posts in earth, loose and friable rock, shall be set in concrete footings of the depth and dimensions.  In such cases, where the size of hole exceeds the minimum dimensions of the footings, the Contractor shall either place the footing against undisturbed soil or shall backfill the hole with suitable earth material approved by the Engineer compacted to a density of 95% of maximum dry density and then bore a hole to the required minimum dimensions.
In solid rock or where ordered by the Engineer, holes for posts shall be drilled in the rock to a minimum depth of 500 mm  with a diameter of. 30 mm greater than the outside diameter of the post or as otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Concrete Footing and Concrete Gate Rests
Concrete footings and gate rests shall be rough cast in the ground and domed above grade to shed the water.
Fence fabric shall not be installed until the concrete footings have cured for a period of not less than 10 days.
Tension Wire
Tension wire stretched tight and securely fastened to the posts.
Mesh Fabric Fastening
The fabric shall be stretched tight and securely fastened to end, corner, and gates posts with tension metal strips.
The fabric shall be securely fastened to the top and bottom tension wire with tie wires at 450 mm intervals, and to the line posts at 350 mm intervals or as established by the Engineer. The tie wires on the bottom tension wire shall have not less than 2 twists.
Gates Fixing
Gates shall be hung with the fastenings, approximately 100 mm from the ground.
The crimped square mesh 30 x 30 x 3 mm shall be securely fastened to frame pipes with metallic band in accordance with the Engineer's instruction.
Barbed Wire Installing
Barbed wire shall be installed above gates.
Damage to Zinc Coating
Damaged galvanized surfaces shall be cleaned and painted. Damaged areas shall be thoroughly wire brushed and all loose and cracked spelter coating removed, after which the cleaned area shall be painted with two coats of a zinc pigmented paint approved by the Engineer for this purpose.  The quality and application of paint shall conform to the requirements of Section 814 - Paint and Painting - of the General Specifications.

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