Methods of bearing mounting

Author:nicerbearing 2022-06-24 08:37:39 194 0 0

In this article, we will focus on the mounting of bearings and learn about the different methods of mounting bearings


What is mounting?

Mounting is the installation of a ball bearing into a shaft and housing.

Did you know?  About 16% of all premature bearing failures are caused by a damaged fit. This is usually because maintenance technicians are not trained in the correct method or are unable to use the correct tools. Mounting methods can significantly affect bearing performance. Therefore, the process needs to be applied carefully to ensure they perform to their maximum potential.


Overhead Conveyor Roller Turn Rollor


Mounting Methods

1. Cold mounting


Drive method

Oil injection method

2. Thermal inlay

Induction heater

Heating cabinets and electric heating plates


Before we delve into the bearing mounting process, it is important to understand a few basic terms.

interference fit: a fit in which the minimum diameter of the shaft should always be larger than the maximum size of the hole.

Bearing internal clearance: (radial and axial internal clearance) the distance that one bearing collar can move relative to another.


Before mounting

We recommend that you do some preparatory work before you start the mounting process. Here are the 2 steps you need to perform to make your job easier.

1. Before installation

Check the size and shape accuracy of the relevant components

Record the values in the report

2. Prepare the relevant components

Assemble all components needed for the installation

For a tight fit, apply a thin layer of light oil to the seat

For a loose fit, apply an anti-micro-movement agent to the bearing seats


Now that we have covered the groundwork, let's delve into two mounting methods: 1.

1. Cold mounting

Cold mounting is a method of mounting bearings without heat. This technique uses both mechanical and hydraulic methods.

As mentioned above, there are 3 types of cold mounting methods, each used for a different application.

I. Mechanical method

First, here are some basic tools for mechanically mounting bearings.



Assembly tool (TMFT)

Dead Hammer


Roller Turn Rollor



This is a useful technique when driving small bearings with cylindrical bores onto shafts or into housings.


ii. Drive method

The thrust method is a hydraulic technique. Some of the important tools used in this technique are

Lock nut wrench

Hook wrenches

Hydraulic nuts and pumps

The hydraulic method is much more powerful compared to the mechanical method. If used improperly, hydraulic tools may remove radial clearance from bearings.


This is the preferred technique for driving medium to large bearings with tapered bores onto tapered seats. The method uses hydraulic tools.


III. Oil Injection Method

This oil forms a film between the two surfaces, thus reducing friction and making mounting easier. Note, however, that for this procedure, both the pipe and the recess should already be in place as part of the shaft design. If not, the grooves, feed channels and threaded connections must be machined into the shaft or sleeve before performing the oil filling.


This method also uses hydraulic tools to facilitate the mounting of medium and large size bearings with a tapered bore by a film of oil injected between the inner ring bore and its seat.

2. Thermal mounting

Hot mounting uses heat to expand the bearing, reducing the interference fit and allowing the bearing to slide easily onto its mating parts.

Let us look at the different methods of using heat to mount bearings.

Ise. Induction heater

Induction heaters are the most effective way to heat bearings for thermal mounting. The induction method requires the preparation of several tools.

Induction heater (of course!)

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