How to Care for the Philodendron Green Princess

Author:mayuntissueculture 2022-04-28 10:12:40 201 0 0

The Philodendron Green Princess is fairly small when compared to other philodendron varieties. However, it is very beautiful to look at thanks to its oval-shaped green leaves.It is easy to care for and its size let you keep the plant on countertops, shelves or tabletops.


How do you care for the Philodendron Green Princess? Give the plant medium to bright, indirect light. It thrives in warm, humid environments.

The plant enjoys moist soil but avoid overwatering it. Use well-draining soil to avoid waterlogging as well.

Dont forget the feed the plant during its growing season with all-purpose fertilizer as this will help it grow faster and produce more foliage.

Philodendron Green Princess Plant Care

Light Requirements

The Philodendron Green Princess will grow best when placed somewhere with bright, indirect light. It will likewise do well in medium light and can tolerate low light.

However, the less the light it receives, the slower it will grow. Also, it wont produce as many leaves or sometimes develop smaller leaves compared to those in brighter conditions.You also want to be careful with too little light.Thats because there is a point where things get too dim or dark for the plant that it does not get enough illumination for photosynthesis.When this happens, youll see growth slow down or even get stunted. The plant will also become more leggy as it tries to reach out to the light source in hopes of getting more illumination.Avoid this as much as possible.



The Philodendron Green Princess enjoys warm temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This stems from its tropical nature.Also, because of this, it does not mind conditions as high as 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Although, you do want to be more careful on leaving it in temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit since it can quickly dry out due to the heat.Dehydration can stress out the plant.That said, the bigger thing to watch out for is the cold.Thats because the plant is not accustomed to cold weather. In fact, it does not like being left in temperatures below 55 degrees.Avoid leaving it there as its growth will slow down.



For the best growth, keep the Philodendron Green Princess in a humid environment. It enjoys humidity of 60% to 80%.This makes it a bit challenging to grow indoors since many homes have humidity between 20% and 50%.Note that the Philodendron Green Princess can tolerate humidity down to about 40% but try to keep it from going much lower than this because youll see changes in the plant.


How Often to Water Philodendron Green Princess

The Philodendron Green Princess likes moist soil. Also, you want to be careful about keeping the soil wet or letting it dry out.Both extremes are bad for the plant as they can harm it in the long run.As such, be careful with either.Of the two, overwatering is by far worse than underwatering. Thats because the plant recovers better from underwatering. And if it isnt very dehydrated, it only takes 24 to 48 hours to perk right back up.However, with overwatering, you can kill the plant.


When the warm months come, the soil will dry faster. So, youll water more regularly. In the winter, the soil will take much longer to dry. Therefore, youll only be watering once every 2 or 3 weeks.

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