How to Know When to Clean Your Air Filter

Author:hbxueyuan 2022-04-14 11:02:01 245 0 0


If the engine of a vehicle is its heart, then the air intake is its lungs. When we breathe in air, we supply our whole body with the oxygen of life. Just as we need oxygen to live, so do our vehicles, but what happens if a dirty air filter keeps the necessary oxygen out?


An internal combustion engine runs on air, and a bad air filter can suffocate the vehicle. This can lead to a lot of problems on the roads. Fortunately, symptoms of dirty air filters are easy to recognize once you know what to look for.


Read on to learn the signs that your vehicle needs to maintain an air filter so you can keep it healthy and on the road in the future.


1. The air filter looks dirty


One of the most recognizable symptoms is the appearance of the filter itself. The new filter looks almost white. Over time, pollutants in the air can stain your filter, turning it brown or black.


Visual inspection can be your first confirmation of a broken filter. Always check your filters in full light. If it seems contaminated with dirt, dust and debris, it may be time to clean it up.


2. Lower gas mileage


A decrease in gas mileage is usually a sign that something is wrong. Your air filter contributes to your fuel efficiency, but a dirty filter can lead to reduced oxygen flow. Vehicles must compensate by burning more fuel.


A clean air filter keeps the air flowing and keeps your fuel economy where it should be.


2. Your engine fails or catches fire


Is your car hard to start? Do you have to try or spin the engine several times to get it going? If your car has rollover problems, it may have a low air to fuel ratio.


When the fuel ratio is too high, it can cause engine flooding and spark plug contamination. This may result in a fire or startup difficulties. If you have a rough idle or reluctant start, the air filter is the first place you should check.


3. Strange engine noise


What does your car sound like when it's parked? An engine with good oxygen flow should have a smooth and even grunt. If your idle is loud, or you hear vibrations or burps, you could be facing a bad air filter.

A common culprit for this problem is spark plug contamination from air intake problems. If you find that your air filter needs to be replaced, it is wise to also check the condition of the spark plugs to see if they have suffered any damage as well. Replacing these two parts will help your engine idle more smoothly.


4. Engine check light comes on

Your engine check light lights up for many reasons, one of which is sediment in the engine. When impurities get into the interior, over time, it can lead to a buildup that can trigger a service light once it starts to affect engine performance.


For every gallon of gasoline a car consumes, it must be able to inhale thousands of gallons of air in order to dispose of the fuel efficiently. An internal combustion engine cannot function properly without one important component: air


If your engine check light comes on, you should read it immediately to determine the culprit. A professional can read your service code and help you determine if it is related to an intake problem.


6. Horsepower is down


If your acceleration looks sluggish, your horsepower may be affected by lack of oxygen. If your car jerks or reacts slower than normal when accelerating, there's a good chance it's not getting the air it needs to perform at its best.


The horsepower of a car depends entirely on the function of the engine. Engines are working harder by dumping more fuel to keep up with less oxygen. This transfer of power will greatly reduce your horsepower.


7. Exhaust pipes emit flames or black smoke


As oxygen struggles to reach the engine, the fuel may not burn off fast enough. This can cause some fuel to leak through the system and out of the exhaust pipe. You may also hear a popping sound as superheated fuel is expelled through the exhaust system.


This problem wastes fuel and is very dangerous to your vehicle and the environment. Be sure to check for any unusual exhaust emissions.


8. Strong fuel smell


When gasoline leaks from the tailpipe, there's that distinct smell that tells you something's wrong. While an odor can also indicate a leaking fuel tank, you can confirm your suspicions about a leaky exhaust pipe by checking for signs of black smoke.


The symptoms of dirty air filters are an easy problem to solve


All the parts in a car work in harmony with each other. When a component fails, you see a chain reaction of problems from one system to another.


Something as simple as an air filter can cause everything from harmful emissions, wasted fuel, broken spark plugs and engine buildup. That's why it's wise to keep an eye on parts that suffer a lot of wear and tear.


Don't worry when you notice symptoms of dirty air filters. This is a simple and relatively inexpensive fix. As long as you keep your filters clean and maintained, you can prevent some easily avoidable problems and extend the life of your vehicle.

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