Industry users like the resistance to a wide range of organic acids and the resistance to chloride-induced stress-corrosion cracking.
Hastelloy B2 alloy resists the formation of grain boundary carbide precipitates in the weld heat-affected zone, making it suitable for most chemical process applications in the as-welded condition. The heat-affected weld zones have reduced precipitation of carbides and other phases to ensure uniform corrosion resistance.
Alloy B-2 also has excellent resistance to pitting and stress corrosion cracking.
Superior resistance to hydrochloric acid, aluminum chloride catalysts and other strongly reducing chemicals. Excellent high-temperature strength in inert and vacuum atmospheres.
Hastelloy B-2 alloy is a nickel-molybdenum alloy particularly suited for equipment handling reducing chemical environments .
Applications in the chemical process industry involving sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric and acetic acid. Temperature uses vary from ambient temperature to 1500°F depending on the environments
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