Water shortage is a serious problem facing mankind. Many parts of the world are already fighting the water crisis. Due to improved lifestyles and population growth, the demand for clean water continues to grow rapidly. To overcome this crisis, many communities can treat surface water and groundwater by using chemicals such as polyaluminum chloride to purify them and make them safe for consumption. By treating drinking water in this way, politicians can provide affordable drinking water for a growing population.
Flocculation is the most important purpose for which chemicals are used. In the coagulation process, positively charged chemicals are added to water to neutralize negative charges. These negative charges are usually trapped in solids, including dissolved organics, clay, and dirt. They contain polyaluminum chloride. It is a yellow or white inorganic polymer coagulant. Compared with other coagulants, pac for drinking water treatment has a higher flocculation rate and a wider pH range. In addition, it will not corrode the equipment. After neutralization, larger particles will be produced when chemicals are added. After the coagulation process, flocculation occurs. This is a gentle mixing process in which microflakes collide and combine to form suspended particles called flakes. With the additional mixing, the size of the flakes continues to grow, eventually reaching the strength and size needed to prepare for the next step.
Other Drinking Water Treatment Processes
Collect water. The source of drinking water treatment is usually a local reservoir, lake or river. It is important to develop a suitable water delivery plan to pump the required amount of water to the wastewater treatment plant. In most cases, multiple pipes and pumps are used to transport water to the treatment plant; when it reaches the factory, a large pump is used to pump it to the wastewater treatment plant. Many sewage treatment plants use water from multiple sources and mix surfaces. Use groundwater to improve water quality.
Filtration. When water is taken from surface water sources such as reservoirs, rivers and lakes, it contains a large amount of dissolved and suspended solids. These materials can include debris, trees, plants, fish, microorganisms, smell, taste, color, turbidity, etc. These materials can be inorganic or organic, dissolved or suspended, biologically active or inert, and vary in size from tree trunks to colloids. Some of these, especially larger materials, can interfere with the use of treatment equipment, so the filtration or sieving step is an integral part of traditional water treatment, and the collected water is filtered or sieved or sieved. Metal is placed in front of the water source to capture larger materials as the water flows through it.
Settlement. When suspended pathogens and substances settle at the bottom of the container, a precipitation stage occurs. The coagulation process makes the settlement more effective because it makes the materials heavier and larger and causes them to sink quickly. If the treated water is used for public water supply, this step must be carried out continuously in large quantities.
Before the disinfection and filtration steps, precipitation is a simple and low-cost step. Water includes bacteria, viruses, chemicals, parasites and dust spots. Water can penetrate physical particles of different composition and size. The most commonly used coal, gravel and sand. Institutions often use slow sand filtration to treat gastrointestinal diseases caused by bacteria. This filtration combines chemical, physical and biological processes. On the other hand, rapid sand filtration is a physical cleaning step that is mainly used in countries with sufficient resources to treat more water. This is an expensive and complex process that requires stable performance, skilled personnel, flow control, regular cleaning and the use of electric pumps.
Disinfection. Another important step in drinking water treatment is the disinfection process. Chloramine or high effective chlorine disinfectants are commonly used to disinfect water. The type of chlorine used in this water treatment is called monochloramine and is different from the chlorine used in swimming pools.The main purpose of this step is to remove and oxidize organic matter to prevent the spread of infected bacteria, viruses and parasites.
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