Placing The Confetti Cannon

Author:boomwowconfetti 2021-02-19 15:46:08 316 0 0

Placement of the Confetti Cannon depends on where you want the confetti to shoot and fall. The confetti will shoot out over 35 feet high and then spread out wide. You will need to place the cannon close enough to the area that you want covered with confetti.

Covering a stage area

You can place the cannons on either side of the stage aimed to the center. This way confetti will shoot up from both sides of the stage. The confetti will meet in the middle of the stage and fall covering the stage area.

You can also place them all at the rear of the stage aimed to the front. The confetti will blast up and over the stage area all at once. The confetti will spread out wide floating down over the stage.

Electric Colorful Confetti Cannon

Electric Colorful Confetti Cannon

Covering the audience

To cover the audience you can place them on the floor in front of the stage. Aim them upwards and over the audience. The confetti will shoot up and out over the audience. It will spread out wide floating down all around the audience.

Firing the confetti

The Electric Confetti Cannons are controlled with 110v electricity. There is no on/off switch on the unit. They must be plugged into an outlet that is controllable with an on/off switch. Most people plug the cannons into a power strip with an on/off switch. When you are ready for the confetti to shoot just flip the power switch on. The confetti shoots out instantly. Be sure to turn the power off after 5-10 seconds after your confetti is in the air.

You can also plug the Electric Colorful Confetti Cannon into a 110v outlet controlled

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