Author:multifinefoam 2021-01-21 14:18:13 301 0 0

As a Lightweight Camping Mat Wholesale, share with you. Outdoor camping, even in camping sites, can be dangerous if it is in a bad climate. When discovering that the weather is about to worsen, and knowing that there may be storms and other conditions after a few hours, you must first consider whether the tent is safe and secure. Depending on the type of severe weather, the terrain of the campsite and other factors, the countermeasures taken by them are also different. The measures to cope with severe weather are introduced in order below.

Waterproof Camping Mat

Waterproof Camping Mat

1. Decide whether to move the tent position according to the terrain

If you are camping, pay attention to wind and lightning in the ridge, rain in the valley, and falling rocks and lightning in the vicinity of the rock wall. Secondly, it is necessary to consider whether safety can be ensured under severe weather. If it is judged that the original tent location is basically not dangerous, then the tent safety inspection, strengthening measures and other preparations to cope with bad weather are carried out. If the security is not reliable, it is necessary to consider relocating the tent.

In mountainous areas, first consider the situation of setting up tents on the ridges. There are many winds coming from the front of the ridge, and the tent must bear this kind of wind, especially at the mouth between the two peaks. Although there is no risk of water surges on the ridges due to rain flowing into the valley, it must not be forgotten that the location is most vulnerable to lightning strikes. The disaster caused by lightning is different from wind and rain. Anyone struck by lightning will be injured or killed. If you pay attention, you can avoid the lightning directly hitting the tent or personnel. Therefore, special care should be taken to move the tent to a safe place.

When setting up tents in the valley, first pay attention to the rapid rise of the stream. Almost every year, there are accidents where people are trapped due to the surge in water volume, and most of them are trapped in tents because of the rapid increase in water volume. When setting up a tent, it is strictly forbidden to approach the river or near the current. Even if the weather is good in your own location, the rain will cause the river to surge, and once the river surges, the destructive power is amazing. Therefore, the camping in the valley should be observed first.

If there is a place suitable for camping in the valley, just look carefully. Carefully observe the difference in the erosion status and color of the river bank rocks, the situation of trees and grass, etc., and you can understand where the water level will rise. Campsites located in the valley must pay full attention before making a decision.

In early spring and early summer, it is also necessary to watch out for floods that carry a lot of sand and gravel due to melting snow. Water blocked by snow valleys or fallen trees will be dumped at once after the obstacle disappears. Therefore, when camping in the valley this season, you should pay more attention to it. Because its power is as great as the dam flood discharge.

Our company also has a Waterproof Camping Mat for sale, please contact us.

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