The COT Rapid Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the detection of Cotinine in human urine/saliva. This test will detect other related compounds, please refer to the Analytical Specificity table in this package insert.
Cotinine is the first-stage metabolite of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that produces stimulation of the autonomic ganglia and central nervous system when in humans. Nicotine is a drug to which virtually every member of a tobacco-smoking society is exposed whether through direct contact or second-hand inhalation. In addition to tobacco, nicotine is also commercially available as the active ingredient in smoking replacement therapies such as nicotine gum, transdermal patches and nasal sprays. In a 24-hour urine, approximately 5% of a nicotine dose is excreted as unchanged drug with 10% as cotinine and 35% as hydroxycotinine; the concentrations of other metabolites are believed to account for less than 5%.1 While cotinine is thought to be an inactive metabolite, it's elimination profile is more stable than that of nicotine which is largely urine pH dependent. As a result, cotinine is considered a good biological marker for determining nicotine use. The plasma half-life of nicotine is approximately 60 minutes following inhalation or parenteral administration. 2 Nicotine and cotinine are rapidly eliminated by the kidney; the window of detection for cotinine in urine at a cutoff level of 500 ng/mL is expected to be up to 2-3 days after nicotine use. Well Biotect is an Alcohol Rapid Tests Company.
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