How to Keep Refrigerated Food at the Best Food Value?

Author:yangtzecooling 2020-11-19 15:24:07 366 0 0

Is it important to the value of food to keep it cold?

In general, keeping food palatable and avoiding food poisoning are the main goals of refrigeration. However, preventing foodborne illness is not just a concern. Studies have shown a wide range of phytochemicals present in unprocessed fruits and vegetables in cold rooms. These important phytonutrients have powerful antioxidant properties that enhance our immunity. Here are some evidence reports that demonstrate changes in phytochemicals and their activities after refrigeration:

The researchers report changes in antioxidant activity and total phenol content in potatoes as a result of refrigeration.

Rapisarda, etc. The research submitted has been published in a journal article, in which the anthocyanins, flavanones, and hydroxycinnamic acid in oranges and the antioxidant properties of oranges can be improved by being stored at 6°C for 65 days; But less vitamin C.

The researchers also found that broccoli stored at 28 °C had the ability to rapidly reduce the activity of total antioxidants, ascorbic acid, and total phenolic compounds.

Some small fruits (such as raspberries, strawberries, cherries, tart cherries, and red berries) were stored at 4°C and showed moderate antioxidant activity compared to 25°C.

Proper refrigeration temperature is also important for blueberries. The blueberry industry is growing rapidly in Canada and other U.S. states. It has been noted that microstructural changes due to rapid freezing have resulted in the formation of ice crystals under the peel and sufficient structural damage, including water migration, cell contraction, and damage to the anthocyanin content in the fruit cells. These types of changes are also important in frozen peas.

Refrigerating temperature also affects juice content, fruit firmness, weight loss, pulp content reduction, soluble nutrient content, pH reduction, pigmentation changes, such as internal Browning, bleaching, skin/skin blackening, texture changes, electrolyte leakage, surface damage, failure to ripen and other quality parameters.

In the supermarket, cut fruits and vegetables are also provided to make our life easier. These products also require some storage specifications. The ideal temperature for most freshly cut products is 00°C. In practice, however, it has been found that temperatures can vary between 5 and 100°C during the transport of these types of products.The picture below is the durian cold storage.

Fruits Cold Room

Not only temperature but also refrigeration time is an important factor in maintaining food quality. It has been observed that fresh-cut tomatoes stored at 14°C at 00 C lose their overall quality, increase microbial load, and reduce sensory quality.

Best refrigerating and freezing temperatures and durations for different perishable foods The Canadian government declares the refrigerating time to be safe and the freezing time to be the quality of the food. If food can be packed and stored correctly, it can help maintain food quality for a longer period of time.

Tips for maintaining optimal food value in refrigerated foods

1.Buy frozen or refrigerated products at the end of shopping.

2.Before storing food, maintain optimum temperatures in the refrigerator (40°F) and freezer (0°F) to avoid microbial contamination.

3.Upon arrival, all perishable items, especially raw meat, fish, poultry, and seafood, should be stored in a refrigerator or freezer as soon as possible.

4.Raw meat, fish, poultry, and seafood should be properly packed in storage containers or plastic bags. Then place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to keep raw juices from dripping onto other foods.

5.Separate storage is essential for refrigerated raw meat, poultry, fish, and seafood. Different storage containers can be used for multiple storages.

6.All pre-cut fruits and vegetables, ready-to-eat, fresh fruits, and vegetables must be refrigerated immediately upon arrival at the destination.

7.Choose undamaged fruits and vegetables. Carefully observe the color and natural flavor of fruits and vegetables to indicate the quality of the product.

Check the expiry date or "latest" date of packaged food.

The above information is provided by fruits cold storage supplier.

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