Portable Spectrograph
Introduction of Pulsed Light Sterilization Technology
Pulse light sterilization is a new type of cold sterilization technology that is safe (mercury-free), powerful and energy-saving.
The Principle and Application of Ultraviolet Germicidal Lamp 1
Sterilization lamp, popularly speaking, mainly plays the role of sterilization and disinfection, also known as UV lamp, which is a kind of UV lamp with lower intensity.
Introduction of Pulsed Light Sterilization TechnologyⅡ
The biological effects of ultraviolet wavelengths in the pulsed light spectrum have been documented.
Air Disinfector ZWV-Y-1200-1
Treatment of Food by Pulsed Light Sterilization Technology 2
Riboflavin can strongly absorb visible light and is sensitive to degradation of light, heat and oxidation.
High-Power UV Sterilization System
Packaging Sterilization Equipment
Pulsed Light Disinfection Robot
Our equipment produces zaps of intense pulse light covering the full germicidal spectrum for fast and effective disinfection.